An integrated informational brochure aimed at introducing Seacology and its programs to potential donors. This is a multi-page document with an integrated pocket on the inside back cover carrying five tiered, informational inserts. The brochure richly illustrates Seacology's story and purpose while encouraging the reader to participate in programs and donate to Seacology's mission. The theme Win/Win is pulled directly from the introductory note on the first spread of the book. "...Seacology searches for Win-Win situations where both the local environment is protected and islanders receive some tangible benefit for doing so. …" It is an important key aspect of what Seacology does, and the words were emphasized throughout the brochure. The engaging photos are from visits taken by actual participants of the Seacology programs. The striking image pairings represent the dual ways Seacology's efforts help benefit the world's islands: Seacology engages islanders to actively save and conserve their natural resources and protect their unique and rare species of flora and fauna; in return, Seacology funds critically needed health and educational programs and helps to build economic security and independence.